Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bouvier Dog Do Bouvier Des Flanders Dog Drool?

Do Bouvier des Flanders dog drool? - bouvier dog

Are disturbances in this area. Like dogs at home?


Chetco said...

They can live indoors or outdoors, but we need a little practice. Drools not.

Here you will find more information about this> ...

Kimmie said...

My cousin had a Bouve 24/7...they mucus, which had a handkerchief in his pocket to clean, "as" bear's face during the day, it was too complicated.
Dog teeth cleaning was a great encouragement, incredible coat, very energetic ... just drooled! LOL

iluvmyfr... said...

They prefer to be with his people in order to be kept in the house. They sometimes drool, but mostly not really bad.

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