Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sesx I Is It Possible To Be Straight, But Get Aroused When Seeing A Man Who Looks Like A Porn Star?

Is it possible to be straight, but get aroused when seeing a man who looks like a porn star? - sesx i

I'm right, and women love their bodies, love and sex with them, so ...

I am also addicted to pornography since young (I was now 23). when I see men who appear to be random porn stars male. as I see them in movies ... (Muscle, poor quality ... especially those who have a lot of sex), I woke up to be, but I want to go home and live his girlfriend. I never wanted to go with them and "make" them ...

Can anyone relate or explain?

doews someone who thinks that its because I saw an early age and in comparison to men in any way, stories, and this has hit me today?

More ... if I have a hot woman i dont see immediately get aroused ... When I think that sesx toucing with him, or even, so I'm very excited and have an erection ...

More ... anxietly me about other people ... Perhaps this fear is to make me happy?


meanblac... said...

L can take what I think is gay. Go ahead and be a bar dancer.

meanblac... said...

L can take what I think is gay. Go ahead and be a bar dancer.

CortSch said...

Man, is here very much. can be good, bisexual, and there is nothing wrong. Recent studies show they are born with certain preferences (there are even some recent research shows that if you have an older brother is more the gays, as surprising as it may seem).
There is no envy, curiosity, lack of self-esteem, and so on, happens.
BTW, child pornography, probably not much sex, opposite sex - are also in love with him.
porn and remind them again, we humans are visually stimulated, so that we are on for the photos. best proposal, just go to the motion. There is nothing wrong with you.

pgarox said...

Well friend, might look, but not the people, yes, but what it can do for you. You may have to be the life of a porn stars want to ... a man who gets a lot of "Tang

And I appreciate other people afraid of? Perhaps you have inferiority problems ... You can stack against them very well. Relax and take yourself and celebrate their positive forces.

kimberly b said...

Men seem to porn star is a trigger for you. Of course, the people just as sexy porn you try to think of sex .. It makes you want to have sex .. etc. etc.

Sean T said...

Sorry dude, but you are gay ... More specifically, you are a latent homosexual is someone who is gay, but has not yet realized. Sorry ...

Strikern... said...

quite normal, not the fault of pornography, which did not go and kill someone, because I saw in a movie or?
Perhaps you recognize the beauty of the body can have sex reguardless. True beauty is the effect of the excitement that you sleep with him or not. can not, and curious about the background and not a problem, do nothing, what hurts or bothers you, and I see no problem. It could also simply that these children are seen as symbols of sex, you can create Realted hot sex and satisfaction. To the extent that it hurts to be good.

Mac Attack said...

Quite normal in every respect. This could be due to when you were young and you have done something, or was pushed round the back forgotton your subconscious mind. What do you want, is that you are not an evil to you or others you?

philysty... said...

Bisexuality is the sexual orientation of the man who refers to the aesthetic of the romantic, or sexual desire for persons of one sex or gender. For some authors, the concept is parallel to homosexuality and heterosexuality, while bringing to others the concept is a mixture of both expressed.

POCOYO said...

yeah .. Porn is not good .. see what happens to you, dear.
and then .. not gay, I think it is normal for most people.
I agree with Poe dukalink finger ... will actually come to you.
Continue straight and you love!

dukalink... said...

You have a project in man and wanted him: strong, beautiful, well-equipped.

You are fully met him, as this woman. They create a fantasy in his mind and his predecessors.

Remember to swim instead and masturbation with the mental image of him, let your child.

toe poe gee gee oh said...

These men want you to think about sex ... therefore they are used in advertising. It is the aura of sex ... no one to love you. Plus the fact that they have seen a lot of porn ... Your brain sees these men and think that sex is great somewhere in the picture. It is for the brain, such as sex, plan now to countless hours of porn. Is the skin, hair, .. Muscle tone and basically everything that has happened is that you can think about sex ....
Therefore I can not see me like that porn, I continue my life and can not affect a lot of sexual thoughts with my goals.

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