Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cellulitis In Knee Cellulitis In Knee..with Large Open Abrasion On Knee

Cellulitis in knee..with large open abrasion on knee - cellulitis in knee

I fall on Tuesday and Wednesday a lot of pain, redness, and had decreased motion of the knee. He was put on levaquin 500 mg once daily. How long before I could walk. I can not even bend d / t increase in pain. THW is violated in the knees, drainage, more, more. How often should the dressing and it should Giong back to the doctor for a cream for the wound to aid healing? My dr. nothing has ever been perscribed first violation.
Thanks for the help .....


Pooky said...

The question is improved since the beginning of the antibiotic?

You should follow-up, whatever the outcome. If there is a lot better (if they Levaquin? Set) Now you need as soon as possible.

You might have said to keep an eye on the redness too. Draw a line around it (with a marker), if necessary. If you get nothing, you are in difficulties. These include fever, increased swelling and red streaks on the leg, too. I advise you to take a medical emergency when you do not get a satisfactory answer from your doctor. This means that) visits to emergency care (not required, an emergency room because of the long wait today.

As the ointment - the nurse told you to use over-the-counter antibiotic cream and he / she will be taught how to dress to be frequently changed. Call today for an appropriate response. Do not feel bad for the weekend - someone is paid to him on call) (or another physician in practice.

Of course, if he cleaned the Woundy antibiotic ointment immediately after the accident, you may not have reached to the point of cellulite progress.

Richard Whittington said...

go to the emergency room will make the X-rays are a bone scan to see if you have a knee injury and consult your doctor about the pain of his property and the best way to help you. and May got back problems and an MRI of the back and knees, and my need for a bone scan, the pain, which crashed on 2/12/2008 and had ice and a magnetic resonance Back bone scan had lower back pain and my legs, and it was good, but I still have pain, and I knew that I mean both kidneys stones and rocks on the pole and this desire, why I went down with back pain and pain the legs.

Nannie said...

These questions should you ask your doctor. This is not something to take lightly, especially if the evacuation time. Take antibiotics faithfully. I certainly calls for topical application.

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