Friday, December 25, 2009

Autism Food Why Do People Believe Autism Is Related To Immunizations?

Why do people believe Autism is related to immunizations? - autism food

Want'd as OPPINI why some people believe is related Austim routine pediatric vaccines. I have children, identical twins who had the same vaccines in the same environment and ate the same food (BC I have also heard that it hold a theory about the chemicals used for food products) contribute to autism. The first twins born and raised fuctioning Asperger's syndrome and the second born has no form of autism. Based on this experience to do, I do not believe that vaccines have nothing to do with it. If I have a hypothesis about the cause, I would say is, an area of the brain do not develop properly venture. In any case, would be happy OPPINI on this subject, which he thinks could be a cause of autism, or other reasons may choose not to listen to your child vaccinated. Thank you.

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