Friday, December 11, 2009

Chinese Thankyou Card Chinese Cinderella Plz Help Thankyou!!?

Chinese Cinderella plz help thankyou!!? - chinese thankyou card

I loved this book so I read in 3 days! But the thing is I need help, because I'm horrible to see Climax (and geography) of histories, biographies, especially self. So I want to know if this is the climax. I think that is the climax, when Niang was sent to school, was his old school. Except that I am the person I'm confused, I did before writing the summary, so I need more information if this is the right height. For example, if the course is located in the hotel Niang and everyone is (I believe that Hong Kong) and has been held that the war, I think it was World War 2? And came japenese? (Did I mention that I also slighty effort in history? Lol) Please give me more details and if possible to the peak? Or at least tell me whether this is correct? In a sense, I want to do this for me please and thank you ...=]! I like up to 4 U, do not read and I suggest u do Thanks again!

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