Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lindsey Dawn Mckinsey Daily Sport What Comes To Mind When You Hear The Name...?

What comes to mind when you hear the name...? - lindsey dawn mckinsey daily sport

Lindsey Nicole
Ariana Belle
Octavia Dawn
Leanne Case

Do you like this name? What kind of person that comes to mind when you hear that? In terms of his personality and appearance, when they picture?


Parisa said...

Lindsey Nicole is a name, well, not really flow in my opinion. But during the filming, she appears as a cheerful girl who has no problems with the installation, his very confident and alive. A cute blonde comes to mind with a fun sparkling, modern style. Gray, blue eyes, a lot of fun with bold makeup.

Belle is another name Ariana well. I do not really care Ariana. But it happens so sweet and tender, very delicate and charming in its way. Ethereal blond hair, blue eyes strike again very soft appearance.

Octavia Dawn is still an attractive option. It seems very strong, confident and optimistic. A leader and a person who is not afraid to defend what they believe and strive for this question. There I saw my dark brown hair, broad terms, someone who is not very attractive at all.

Leanne case sounds of the earth as a gift from Mother Nature. A much on the earth comes to mind, one that really appriciate the finer things in life. Fine earthy brown hair and bright greenEyes are, someone who looks as if they went directly to a mythical forest.

Honsetly in sharp contrast to one of these names are very common, so I think we can say. There are beautiful names, gills, ethereal. The Internet is here for you! I hope that helped!

ℓ☮vε said...

Lindsey Nicole-SL *** A girl and a little naive .. Sorry, no offense ...
Ariana Belle-A 5-year-girl who dresses like a princess much
Octavia Dawn yogurt that regulates the digestive system ... Activia. The name is so hard to forget the cute name, Dawn.
Autumn Leanne, a shy young girl with scarf black box of sunglasses. His hair is short, layered, straight, and brown. is covered with long jackets.

Ally said...

Lindsey Nicole - A cool girl, fun to be with. : P

Ariana Belle - A nice, sweet girl.

Octavia Dawn - uh, I do not know. Sorry. Nothing really comes to mind at all ....

Leanne case - it is a nice name, reminds me of a girl who is quiet, but cheerful.

Camden's Mom said...

Lindsey Nicole is thinking about a bad ex-girlfriend .. lol
Ariana Bell reminds me of the siren and ice ... but I think Arian's cute!
Octavia Dawn-I am not a fan of
Leanne-Autumn Autumn is very beautiful! I'm not a fan of Leanne Although

Good luck with your search!

Lysha said...

Lindsay Nicole Lindsay Loahn and Anna Nicole Smith

Arianna Belle adorable: D

Octavia Dawn Beetoven: P

Autumn Leanne-bonita: P

(: said...

I love them all, and Octavia, it only makes me a person .. Big
But in the autumn and Ariana are really beautiful names
Anddd Lindsey Lohan Lindsey reminds me .. hahaha thats you decide whether good or bad (:

♥Tom♥ (and yes I am a Girl) said...

Lindsey Nicole-Lindsay Lohan
Belle, my friend Ariana Ariella
Octavia Dawn child reaches 8
Red-head case, Leanne

Sarah said...

Octavia reminds me of October.

LaTisha said...

they all sound very nice, but when I hear, I think the name Octavia Rinkadink small town in Oklahoma

asdfjkl said...

Stripper Names

Numb Nuts said...

i dont know .. I'm confused

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