Sunday, January 3, 2010

Necktie Styles What Kind Of Fabric Would I Use For An 1800's Style Necktie?

What kind of fabric would I use for an 1800's style necktie? - necktie styles

The draw looks like a tape that is sure tied into a knot, and attached to a rope hanging or loose. Some forms of the triangle with the points identified in the forehead. To make ideas for a substance? Which films Cowboy older ...

1 comment:

thewrang... said...

Silk was at that time as well as cotton and wool available when you try to be authentic. Most have silk ties at the time.

If you are looking for something that the "visual", then you can use any number of tape-type products that payment.

"Bolo" links are generally made with a rope, as opposed to a flat material.
Shawls were also used and are well connected, or you should use a "ring" to keep the goals. The tie will often use a pen, ring, or a different type of medal in order to leave the cable office.

Wikipedia has a very interesting article on the history of the band, if you want to read -- # 18 ...

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